Welcome to


Need to know

  • Check in time is 3:00pm

  • The cottage is located at the southern end of Eaglehawk Neck and is number 200 Blowhole Road. Once you reach Waterfall Bay drive then its the property on the corner, hard to miss! Once you arrive please remain on the gravel driveway and avoid parking on the grass. Theres an allocated carpark with ability to reverse in and out of. A pathway will lead you to the front door where a lockbox is located. If you plan on arriving of a night, the solar lights should be turned on to guide your way (if there hasn’t been much sun then sometimes they struggle to stay on all night).

    • No parties (please enjoy yourself but be respectful with noise level)

    • Smoking allowed outside only (please leave all butts in allocated ashtray)

    • No pets

    • Shoes off inside

  • The cottage is heated by a beautiful, original, open fire place at the heart of the home, everything you need to get it going will be provided, with plenty of dry fire wood stocked in the hallway as well as at the back of the property near the bath. Feel free to collect your own kindling if required. Please use the fire guard when leaving it unattended or in the presence of younger ones especially if it is still going when you goto bed. If youre going out for the day or leaving the cottage please make sure the fire is no longer lit.

    There are also two oil heaters in the cottage, during the colder nights we would reccomend turning them on in the bedrooms a little bit before you goto bed to warm the room up as heat circulation to the other end of the house can be tricky! Please remember to turn them off before going to sleep for safety reasons.

  • The Cottage has a fully functioning kitchen stocked with basic pantry requirements (such as: salt and pepper, coffee, sugar, tea and olive oil) and all the neccessary cooking utencils you need to make a beautiful home cooked meal.

    If you plan on staying a few days i reccomend doing your shopping in Sorell as the closest grocer is a bit of a drive (more info in the food and drink section of the site)

  • As with most of the Tasman Peninsula, the cottage is on tank water which means we need to somewhat cautious of our usage. Its also worth noting that the outdoor bath uses a fair bit of hot water, so would recommend if you're planning on using the bath to take shorter showers in the morning. The bathroom doesnt currently have an induction fan so please open the window when showering to allow the steam to ventalate.

    We are using a septic system so please do not flush anything that you shouldn’t down the loo or use any soaps in the outdoor bath as it will affect the septic.

    The outdoor bath is a really beautiful way to spend an evening, listening to the sound of crashing waves and enjoy the unpolluted night sky away from the city lights. Please try and avoid getting to much dirt/mud in the bath when getting in and out.

  • The cottage is full of a wide selection of beautiul coffee table books and novels. We urge you to take the time to immerse yourself in these, especially the Tasmanian books that show the history of our island.

    We also have a really special old record player which has been refurbished to play through a seperate amp. Feel free to listen to our collection of records but please be careful when handling them and working the recod player as its very delicate.

  • We hope you enjoyed your stay at the cottage, explored the area and created some beautiful memories here. In order to help keep the cottage in beautiful condition we ask a few house keeping things before you leave.

    Check out time is 11:00am, once you’re ready to leave please follow these instructions:

    • All dishes have been washed and packed away.

    • Dirty/wet towels to be left on the floor in the bathroom

    • All lights and heaters to be turned off

    • Fireplace to be neatly swept with no live coals

    • A quick sweep over the house with the broom provided in the spare bedroom

    • Close all windows

    • Lock the sliding door to the deck from the inside

    • Lock the front door from the outside

    • Leave the key in the lockbox and scramble the numbers